Older News
- 14.09.2023: We congratulate Ivan Jokic on receiving his PhD degree. His thesis is available here: Complex networks: topology, spectrum and linear processes.
- 28.07.2023: The Dutch NetSci Summer Symposium will take place at TU Delft on 30-31 August 2023. For more information see here.
- 28.07.2023: The second edition of the "Graph Spectra for Complex Networks" book will appear in September 2023. See here.
- 19.06.2023: On 15 June 2023, Prof.dr.ir. Rob Kooij gave a presentation with title "From Quantum Technologies to hardcore Graph Theory" for the QCE department in TU Delft. The slides of the presentation can be found here.
- 14.03.2023: NAS is proud to announce that dr. Siyu Tang (NAS Alumni PhD student) received the first place of the Innovation Pioneer award issued by Huawei’s Central Research Institute in 2022, for her work of a light-weight asynchronous traffic scheduler on large-scale deterministic networks.
Siyu Tang received the Riemann Team Award from Huawei Munich Research Center in 2023 for her consistent work in leading the design of low-latency and high-reliable industrial and enterprise networks.

- 20.10.2022: Henk-Jan van der Molen (CISO a.i. Ministry of Infrastructure & Water Management) gave a presentation for NAS entitled "Contagious diseases stimulate genetic diversity". The slides can be found here.
- 12.10.2022: On 10-12 october 2022 David Martinez and Sergi Bergillos, two young researchers from the Broadband Communications and Distrubuted Systems Group at the University of Girona, visited NAS. Both David and Sergi gave a presentation on their resent research, the links to their presentations can be found here. They also gave a hands-on workshop on the use of Network Research Simulator 2. This tool in allow the user to generate networks, upload networks, visualize the networks, compute a variety of network metrics and evaluate the robustness for a variety of attack strategies. During the visit a number of follow up actions were defined. For more info, please contact Rob Kooij.
- 15.09.2022: PhD student Massimo Achterberg received the award for the best contributed talk at the SIAM virtual workshop on Network Science.
- 07.09.2022: Rafal Kucharski gave a guest presentation at NAS. The presentation can be found here.
- 16.03.2022: Prof.dr.ir. Rob Kooij gave a presentation at the NetworkIT 2022 Event. NetworkIT is a growing open-source toolkit for large-scale network analysis.
- 25.01.2022: On 21 January 2022, Long Ma received his PhD degree. His thesis is available here: Spreading processes in complex networks and systems.
- 24.01.2022: On 19 January 2022 Rob Kooij gave a virtual talk entitled "Robustness of Complex Networks" at the Atlantic Graph Theory Seminar, which is organised by the Dalhousie University, in Halifax. The seminar provides talks on a variety of current topics in graph theory. Links to the recorded video, the slides of his presentation, as well as other presentations, can be found at: link 1, link 2 and link 3.
- 13.01.2022: Peng Sun received his PhD degree. His thesis is available here: Robustness of controllability and recoverability of complex networks.

- 22.12.2021: The proposal of Dr. Maksim Kitsak titled "Mathematical Description and Inference of Complementarity Mechanisms in Complex Networks" has been selected for funding by the Dutch Research Council (NWO).
- 25.11.2021: The PhD student Peng Sun gave an online presentation titled “The Recoverability of Network Controllability” at the 5th International Conference on System Reliability and Safety (ICSRS 2021). This presentation is based on a paper written by Master graduate Anqi Chen who was supervised by Peng Sun and Prof.dr.ir. Rob Kooij.
- 24.11.2021: On 24 November 2021, Prof.dr.ir. Rob Kooij will give an on-line talk at the Humboldt University, Berlin (Section Modeling and Analysis of Complex Systems, Department of Computer Science). The section focuses on computational aspects of large scale dynamical networks. Prof. Kooij will give an overview of the research conducted at NAS and explore opportunities for collaboration.
- 22.11.2021: Last Friday, Prof.dr.ir. Rob Kooij gave a guest lecture at VU Amsterdam entitled “Robustness of Complex Networks”. The guest lecture is part of the master course “Performance of Networked Systems”, which is taught at Computer Science (both Business Analytics and the Internet and Web Technology Track).
- 19.11.2021: The master student Tian Gan has graduated in the NAS section on the time-varying topology of SIS epidemics on adaptive networks. Her thesis is available here.
- 01.11.2021: Dr. Maksim Kitsak joins the board of the Dutch Network Science Society.
- 28.10.2021: Prof.dr.ir. Piet Van Mieghem will give a talk about virus spread in networks for the Bataafsch Genootschap on December 6th in Rotterdam.
- 28.10.2021: A description of the ERC grant of Prof.dr.ir. Piet Van Mieghem for ViSioN (Virus Spread on Networks) can be found here.
- 26.10.2021: Octávio Miguel Silveira Teixeira, from the NOVA University of Lisbon, did his master project "Network Structures in the Dark Web" with NAS as an ERASMUS student. However, due to COVID-19 he conducted the whole project from Portugal, from February until August 2021. Last week he finally got the opportunity to visit Delft and to meet up with his supervisor Rob Kooij!
- 05.07.2021: The 4th Delft - Girona Workshop on Robustness of Complex Networks will take place on Wednesday July 7th.
- 17.05.2021: Bastian Prasse received his PhD degree with Cum Laude. His thesis is available here: Epidemics on networks: Analysis, Network Reconstruction and Prediction.
- 10.05.2021: Dr. Nazli Yonca Aydin, assistant professor at the Systems Engineering department of the Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management gave a guest lecture at NAS with title "Measuring Response and Recovery Behavior of Urban Water Networks".
- 22.04.2021: Prof.dr.ir. Piet Van Mieghem has received an ERC Grant for ViSioN, Virus Spread on Network.
- 01.03.2021: Dr. Mattia Sensi joins NAS as a PostDoc researcher.
- 02.11.2020: Prof.dr.ir. Rob Kooij gave a talk for the Bataafsche Genootschap.
- 25.10.2020: Prof.dr.ir. Piet Van Mieghem participated in the COVID-19 panel at the 40th International symposium on forecasting.
- 24.07.2020: Prof.dr.ir. Piet Van Mieghem gave an interview for The Network Pages. See the interview here.
- 02.07.2020: A new paper on (lack of) resilience in transportation networks is now published in Transportation Research Part D journal. Find it here.
- 02.07.2020: New paper on maximum-entropy in weighted network ensembles is now available on arXiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2007.00124.
- 11.06.2020: Prof.dr.ir. Piet Van Mieghem gave an interview for the TU Delta platform. See the interview here (in Dutch) and here (in English).
- 05.06.2020: NAS participates in the Resilient Society on COVID-19: https://cocreate.resilientsociety.world/spaces/1/radar/signals/513.
- 11.04.2020: Prof.dr.ir. Piet Van Mieghem gave an interview for the Telegraaf newspaper. See the interview here.
- 06.04.2020: Prof.dr.ir. Piet Van Mieghem has appeared on the Dutch newspaper NRC (read here), the NPO TV (watch here) and the NPO radio (listen here) for research related to COVID-19.
- 02.04.2020: Prof.dr.ir. Rob Kooij has been appointed as part-time professor in NAS.
- 17.03.2020: New paper titled "Latent Geometry of Complementarity-driven Networks” available on arXiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2003.06665.
- 17.03.2020: Zhidong He received his PhD degree. His thesis is available here: Performance of Complex Networks.
- 13.03.2020: The latest NAS research on the 2019-nCoV can be found here: COVID-19 Prediction.
- 12.02.2020: NAS developed a prediction method for the Coronavirus (2019-nCoV). Available on arXiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2002.04482.
- 09.02.2020: Maksim Kitsak is joining NAS as an Assistant Professor as of 1st March 2020.
- 29.10.2019: The initial research results within the NExTWORKx project were presented in a poster session at the KPN headquarters in Rotterdam.
- 16.10.2019: Zhidong He, Peng Sun and Prof.dr.ir. Piet Van Mieghem received the 2019 James P. G. Sterbenz Best Paper Award at the 11th International Workshop on Resilient Networks Design and Modeling (RNDM).
- 29.03.2018: NAS leads NExTWORKx, the collaboration between KPN and TUDelft. The major goal is a research into both fundamental properties and implementation of the next generation telecommunication networks. In the first phase of the collaboration, 6 PhD students, daily supervised by experts in both TUDelft and KPN, will focus on themes that are relevant for KPN in order to design and manage the network of the future using promising technologies as Artificial Intelligence (AI), 5G and Blockchain.
- The NAS group is organizing a workshop on Robustness of Complex Networks and one on Advances on Epidemics in Complex Networks.
Professor Van Mieghem is honorary promotor of the honorary doctor Professor Vespignani (175th Dies Natalis).
- NAS master thesis students have won the KPN value case challenge (Sept. 2016).
- A Paper authored by Niels van Adrichem "A measurement study of DNSSEC misconfigurations" is nominated for the Dutch Cyber Security Research Award 2016.
- An article Detours in the brain about the work of Jil Meier has been published in Delta, the independent journal of the Technical University Delft.
- Marcus Märtens received the Best Paper award for his publication "Toxicity Detection in Multiplayer Online Games" at the 14th International Workshop on Network and Systems Support for Games (NetGames)
- A book "Performance Analysis of Complex Networks and Systems" by Professor Van Mieghem is available.