Dr. Cong Li received the Ph.D. degree from Delft University of Technology in 2014. She performed her PhD research at the Network Architectures and Services group in the faculty EEMCS under the supervision of Prof. Piet Van Mieghem and dr. Huijuan Wang. At present, she is an associate professor, vice director of the Electronic Engineering Department, Fudan University. She serves as the secretary of NetSci Society China Chapter.

Her main research interests lie in the analysis and modeling of complex networks, including network properties, dynamic processes, network of networks etc. She is PI of a National Natural Science Foundation Young Scholar Program,  a National Natural Science Foundation General Program and 2 Shanghai Natural Science Foundations, as well as has contributed to 1 National Natural Science Foundation Key Program, and 3 EU FP7 Frame programs. She published 2 books, 1 chapter and 30+ papers, including IEEE TNSE, PRE, JSTAT, Sci. Rep. ect.



(8) ”Research on higher-order propagation dynamics on multilayer temporal networks“, General Program (Grant No.62173095), PI, National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2022.01-2025.12.

(7) “The impact of human behavior on epidemic spreading dynamics based on risk perception“, General Program (Grant No.21ZR1404700), PI, Natural Science Foundation of Shanghai,2021.07-2024.06

(6) ”Mechanism analysis and prediction of the emergence and evolution of social collective behaviors“, Key Program (Grant No.71731004), PI for subproject, National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2018.01-2022.12.

(5) “Spectral graph analysis on temporal complex networks and its applications“, Young Scholar Program (Grant No.61603097), PI, National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2017.01-2019.12.

(4) “Research on graph spectra theory for the spreading on dynamic networks“, Innovation Action Program (Grant No.21ZR1404700), PI, Natural Science Foundation of Shanghai, 2016.7.1-2019.6.30.

(3) "CONGAS: Dynamics and coevolution in multi-level strategic interaction games", participation, EU FP7 Frame programs (FP7-ICT-2011-8-317672), 2012-2014 

(2) "EINS: Network of Excellence in Internet Science", participation, EU FP7 Frame programs (FP7-ICT-288021), 2011-2014 

(1) "Next Generation Infrastructures foundation on Robustness and Optimisation of Complex Networks", participation, EU FP7 Frame programs (FP7-224619), 2010-2012 




[2] X. Li, C. Li, J.B. Wang, Theory of Spreading on Complex Networks: Hidden Rules of Epidemics (in Chinese), ISBN: 978-94-6186-364-5, 2020.

[1] C. Li, Characterization and Design of Complex NetworksISBN: 978-94-6186-364-5, 2014.


[1] X. Li, J.B. Wang. and C. Li, Towards Identifying and Predicting Spatial Epidemics on Complex Meta-population Networks, “Temporal Network Epidemiology”, pp 129-160, Springer, ISBN:978-981-10-5286-6, 978-981-10-5287-3 (ebook), 2017.

Journal Papers:

[29] Z.L. Zhou, C. Li*, P. Van Mieghem, X. Li, Predicting higher-order dynamics with unknown hypergraph topology, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, 2024, DOI: 10.1109/TCSI.2024.3513406. 

[28] W. Wang, C. Li*, B. Qu, X. Li, Predicting epidemic threshold in complex networks by graph neural network, Chaos, 34, 063129, 2024. 

[27] L. Zhou, J.Y. Dai, B. Qu*, C. Li*,Vaccination strategies in disease-behavior evolution model,Frontiers in Physics, 12:1387267, 2024.

[26] C. Li, J.Y. Dai, X. Li*, Imperfect Evolutionary Vaccination Game Incorporating Individual Social Difference and Subjective Perception, IEEE Trans on Computational Social Systems,11 (2), 2369-2382, 2024.

[25] Q.H. Chen, Y. Zhao, C. Li*, X. Li, Robustness of higher-order networks with synergistic protection, New Journal of Physics,2023, 25, 113045.

[24] Y.J. Zhu, C. Li*, X. Li, Epidemic spreading on coupling network with higher-order information layer, New Journal of Physics, 2023, 25, 113043.

[23] C. Li*, C. Hens, Complexity in structural and functional brain networks. Comment on "Structure and function in artificial, zebrafish and human neural networks" by Ji et al. Physics of Life reviews, 2023, 47, 131-132.

[22] Y. Zhao, C. Li*, D.H. Shi, G.R. Chen, X. Li, Ranking cliques in higher-order complex networks, Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 2023, 33(7): 073139.

[21] J. Wu, B. Ye, Q. Gong, A. Oksanen, C. Li, J. Qu, F. F. Tian, X. Li, Y. Chen∗,Characterizing and Understanding the Development of Social Computing through DBLP: A Data-Driven Analysis, Journal of Social Computing, Volume 3, Number 4, pp287-302, 2022.

[20] J.Y. Dai, C. Li*, and X. Li, Heterogeneous social difference in the interplay between epidemic and information spreading, EPL, 2022, 140, 51001.

[19] X.J. Li, C. Li*, X. Li, The impact of information dissemination on vaccination in multiplex networks, Science China-Information Sciences (Sci China Inf Sci), 2022, 65(7):172202.

[18] M. Shi, B. Qu, X. Li, C. Li*Network Representation Learning with Community Awareness and Its Applications in Brain Networks. Frontiers in Physiology (Front. Physiol.), 2022, 13:910873.

[17] C. Li*,M. Shi, B. Qu, X. Li*,Deep Attributed Network Representation Learning via Attribute Enhanced Neighborhood, Neurocomputing, 2022, 508, 170-181.

[16] J.Y. Li, X. Li, C. Li*, The Kronecker-clique model for higher-order clustering coefficients, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2021, volume 582, 126269.

[15] C. Li,Y. Zhang, X. Li*,Epidemic threshold in temporal multiplex networks with individual layer preference, IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 814-824, 1 Jan.-March 2021.

[14] C. Li, J. Li and X. Li*, Evolving nature of human contact networks with its impact on epidemic processes, Complexity, Article ID 6643658, 2021.

[13] 李靖,李聪*,李翔,人类时效交互网络的建模与传播研究综述,复杂系统与复杂性科学(Complex Systems and Complexity Science),Vol 16,No.3,pp1-21. Sep. 2019. 文章编号1672-3813(2019).

[12] C. Li, W.J. Wang, J.Y. Li, J.T. Xu and X. Li*, Community Detector on Symptom Networks with Applications to Fatty Liver Disease, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Volume 527, 1 August 2019, 121328.

[11] C. Li, S.M. Zhang, X. Li*, Can multiple social ties help improve human location prediction? Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2019, 525, 1276–1288.

[10] Z.J. Li, C. Li*, X. Li, Mining the rank of universities with Wikipedia, Science China-Information Science (Sci China Inf Sci), 2019, 62(10): 209202.

[9] D.C. Guo, H. Yin, C. Li*, X. Zhang, Average hopcount of the shortest path in tree-like components with finite size, Physica A, 519 (2019) 295–302.

[8] X.-J. Li, C. Li, X. Li, Minimizing Social Cost of Vaccinating Network SIS Epidemics, IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 2017. (DOI 10.1109/TNSE. 2017. 2766665).

[7] B. Qu, C. Li*, P. Van Mieghem, H. Wang, Ranking of nodal infection probability in Susceptible-Infected-Susceptible Epidemic, Scientific Reports 7, Article number: 9233, 2017.

[6] C. Li*, Q. Li, P. Van Mieghem, H. Eugene Stanley and H. Wang, “Relation Between Centrality Metrics and Their Application to the Opinion Model”, European Physical Journal B, Vol. 88, No. 3, article 65, 2015.

[5] C. Li*, H. Wang and P. Van Mieghem, “Epidemic Threshold in Directed Networks”, Physical Review E 88(6), 062802, 2013.

[4] C. Li*, R. Van de Bovenkamp and P. Van Mieghem, “Susceptible-Infected-Susceptible Model: A Comparison of N-intertwined and Heterogeneous Mean-field Approximations”, Physical Review E 86(2), 026116, 2012.

[3] C. Li*, H. Wang and P. Van Mieghem, “Bounds for the Spectral Radius of a Graph When Nodes are Removed”, Linear Algebra and its Applications 437, pp. 319-323,2012.

[2] C. Li*, H. Wang, W. De Haan, C. J. Stam and P. Van Mieghem, ” The Correlation of Metrics in Complex Networks with Applications in Functional Brain Networks”, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment (JSTAT), 11018, 2011.

[1] P. Van Mieghem, D. Stevanovic, F. A. Kuipers, C. Li, R. Van de Bovenkamp, D. Liu and H.Wang, “Decreasing the Spectral Radius of a Graph by Link Removals”, Physical Review E 84(1), 016101, 2011.

Conference papers:

[26] J.W. Tang, M. Gao, Y. Xiao, C. Li, Y. Chen*, EGGPU:Enabling Efficient Large-Scale Network Analysis with Consumer-Grade GPUs, Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Social and Metaverse Computing, Sensing and Networking(SocialMeta'24), p.25-30, 2024.

[25] H. Lin, N. Chen, Y. Chen, X. Li, C. Li*, BotScan: An Unsupervised Bot Detection Based on Adversarial Learning and Social Perception, Proceedings of the 14th Asian Control Conference, July 5-8, pp. 1872-1878, 2024. 

[24] H. Lin, N. Chen, Y. Chen, X. Li, C. Li*, BotScout: A Social Bot Detection Algorithm Based on Semantics, Attributes and Neighborhoods, Proceedings of International Conference on Intelligent Computing (ICIC 2024), August 5-8, Tianjin, China. pp. 343-355, 2024.

[23] Z.T. Hu, B. Qu*, X. Li*, C. Li*, An Encrypted Traffic Classification Framework Based on Higher-Interaction-Graph Neural Network, Proceedings of the 29th Australasian Conference on Information Security and Privacy (ACISP24), July 15-17, Sydney, Australia, pp383-403, 2024.

[22] Z.L. Zhou,C. Li*, B. Qu, X. Li, Predicting Higher-order Dynamics without Network Topology by Ridge Regression, Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, May 19-22, Singapore, 2024.

[21] J.C. Li, C. Li*, X. Li, Public Goods Game on Hypergraph with Gentle Win-Stay, Lose-Shift Strategy, CCC2022, Hefei, 6916-6921, July, 2022.

[20] L.Y. Wu, Q.D. Sun, C. Li*, X. Li,Influence of Reporting Rate on Epidemic Control Based on SIXAR Model, CCC2022, Hefei, 715-720, July, 2022.

[19] Q.Z. Ye, Y.X. Cao, Y. Chen*, C. Li, X. Li, Deep Learning-Based User Privacy Settings Recommendation in Online Social Networks, International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 1-9, 2022.

[18] J.Y. Dai, C. Li*, X. Li, Detection of Influential Nodes Using Neighbor Closeness in Complex Networks, pp764-769, CCC2021, shanghai, 26-28, July, 2021.

[17] Y.Y. Peng, B. Hu, H, Feng, X. Li and C. Li*, An Improved Solution to Identify Spatial Invasion on Metapopulation Networks with SI model, pp730-735, CCC 2021, shanghai, 26-28, July,2021.

[16] X.Z. Tang, Y. Zhang, C. Li*, X. Li, How Online Social Ties Influence the Epidemic Spreading of a Multiplex Network? IFIP Networking 2020,23th June (online) Pairs, France, P1-5.

[15] H.Y. Ji, Q. Yuan, C. Li, X. Li*, Bearing-Based Formation Control of Multi-Agent System without Leader’s Velocity Information, IFAC World Congress 2020 (online), P1-5.

[14] Y. Zhang, J.B. Wang, C. Li*, X. Li, Epidemic spreading in time-varying networks with activity-driven infectivity, 58th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2019), pp. 3776-3781, December 11-13, 2019, Nice France.

[13] R.R. Kang, C. Li, X. Li*, Social Power Convergence on Duplex Influence Networks with Self-Appraisals networks, 58th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2019), pp. 5611-5616. December 11-13, 2019, Nice France.

[12] W.J. Wang, C. Li*, J.T. Xu, and X. Li, Bridging Fatty Liver Disease and Traditional Chinese Medicine: A Complex Network Approach. The 2019 IEEE international symposium on circuits & systems (ISCAS 2019), SAPPORO, Japan, 2019.

[11] S.-M Zhang, C. Li* and X. Li, Predicting Location Trajectories of Humans by Their Diverse Social Ties, 2018 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), Miyazaki, Japan, Oct. 7-10, p1217-1222.

[10] X.J. Li, C. Li, X. Li*, Win-win zero-determinant strategy to vaccinate the SIS network epidemics, 2018 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), Miyazaki, Japan, Oct. 7-10, p3119-3124.

[9] J. Li, C. Li*, X. Li,Quantifying the contact memory in temporal human interactions,The 2018 IEEE international symposium on circuits & systems (ISCAS 2018), Florence, Italy, May 27-30, 2018,PP.1-5.

[8] P. Yao, C. Li* and X. Li, The Functional Regions in Structural Controllability of Human Functional Brain Networks, 2017 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), Banff, Canada, Oct. 5th-8th 2017, P1603-1608.

[7] X.-J. Li, C. Li, X. Li, Vaccinating SIS epidemics in networks with zero-determinant strategy, IEEE international symposium on circuits & systems (ISCAS 2017), Baltimore, MD, USA, p2275-2278.

[6] B.-Y Hou, X. Li, C. LiRecent Advances and Challenges on Control of Complex Networks, Proceedings of the 35th Chinese Control Conference, 2016, 27-29 July, Chengdu, China, p1187-1191.

[5] J.-B. Wang, C. Li* and X. Li, Predicting spatial transmission at the early stage of epidemics on a networked metapopulation, Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Conference on Control & Automation, Kathmandu, Nepal, 2016, Jun. 1-3, p116-121.

[4] X. Li, J.-B. Wang and C. LiTowards identifying epidemic processes with interplay between complex networks and human populations, Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE Conference on Norbert Wiener in the 21st Century, Melbourne, Australia, 2016, July 13-15, p67-71.

[3] C. Li*, H. Wang and P. Van Mieghem, “New Lower Bounds for the Fundamental Weight of the Principal Eigenvector in Complex Networks”, Third International IEEE Workshop on Complex Networks and their Applications, November 23-27, Marrakesh, Morocco, 2014.

[2] C. Li*, H. Wang and P. Van Mieghem, “Degree and Principal Eigenvectors in Complex Networks”, Networking 2012, Part I, LNCS 7289, pp. 149-160, 2012.

[1] C. Li*, F. Liu and Y. Zhang, “A Principal Palm-line Extraction Method for Palmprint Images Based on the Diversity and Contrast”, The 3rd International IEEE Congress on Image and Signal Processing (CISP’10), 2010.



Academic services:

academic societies

(1)Shanghai Nonlinear Science Research Society, Council Member (202011-now)

(2) NetSci Society - China Chapter, Secretary General (201801-now)

(3)China Information Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Executive Council Member (2018.11-now)

(4)CSIAM Activity Group on Complex Networks and Complex Systems, Commissioner (201610-now)

(5) Chinese Institute of Command and Control on Network Science and Engineering, Commissioner (201604-now)

(6)Shanghai Association of Automation on Automation Theory, Secretary (201508-201907)


(1)NetSci 2022,Satellite Chair 

(2)NetSciX 2018, Program Committee  

(3) CCCN, Program Committee (2017-now)

(4) CNetSci, Program Committee (2016-now)

journal topic editor

Frontiers in Physics, Complex Networks in Interdisciplinary Research: From Theory to Applications, 2022.



(1) "Linear Algebra", basic course (compulsory course) , 70 persons/year, 64h, for freshmen

(2) "Network Science: An Introduction", professional course, 70 persons/year, 32h, for third-year students

(3) "Network Dynamics", professional basic course (compulsory course), 20-25 persons/year, 54h, for master students 



Contact me:

 E-mail: cong_li@fudan.edu.cn;    Phone: 86(021)-31242510